Friday, May 09, 2008

Salary Statistics in IT, Belarus

I have updated salary statistics information, but this time the figures were collected from Belorussian companies only.

The first image contains two curves, that reflect proportion of the actual salary values in comparison to the maximum value reached during this period of time. Please note, that two lines differ only in the rate between USD and Euro currencies.

Salary Statistics in IT, Belarus
The second chart shows salary growth level for different categories of expertise. In the terms of this article, the following terminology is being used:
  • beginner - entry level technician (0 years of experience);
  • specialist - intermediate level (1-2 years of experience in particular area);
  • professional - advanced level (3-4 years of experience in particular area);
  • expert - a professional with 5 or more years of experience in particular area.
IT Salary Growth, Belarus
On the next chart, you can see how much IT people earns in comparison to Experts' salaries. Please keep in mind, that Expert's salary doesn't mean highest possible salary in the industry. In this data, it's the average among IT professionals having strong experience in particular area.

Comparison of IT Salaries, Belarus
The next two images take into account the level of inflation. That explains why average salaries didn't show significant increase during the period till 2005. The recession in the beginning of 2008 is caused by a bit different reasons, but it's a topic for a separate article ;)
IT Salary Level taking into account the Inflation, Belarus
The last chart shows, how the salary grows while a person gets her/his IT experience. Red line uses historical data from the previous graph. Blue line uses only up-to-date salaries and assumes that they are not changing through time for each level of IT employee expertise.

Personal Salary Growth in IT, Belarus

NO charts or source data from this article can be re-republished without written permission from Serge Stepantsov, this blog author.