Sergeant: If your head is like a pan, and it's unable to keep anything, then get a notebook... or two as me...
So, If I had more time, I would write some interesting things about:
- Project Documentation - how to keep it actual all the time, and have people happy creating it;
- Side effect of standardization - the results of being paranoic about having everything standardized;
- Maintenance and Development. Where is the difference - by the way, where it is?
- HRs make IT salary grow in Eastern Europe (2004-2007, and may be it's still actual);
- The truth about offshore dedicated teams (companies|commands) - how these teams are being staffed, how vendors make profit, does customer have better options;
- If I had more time, I would... - how can I share time management knowledge, if I give such excuse myself? Well, I have a solution for myself, but I have some things to do that are more important for me in this short period of my life. It means, that one needs personal time management only if she/he has no enough time to complete the most important tasks.
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